The WARN Act is a federal law passed in 1988 by Congress that requires employers with 100 or more employees to provide a 60-day notice of significant layoffs or plant closings. This notice gives workers and their families time to prepare for job loss, seek new employment, and pursue training or retraining opportunities. The WARN Act aims to reduce the impact of sudden job loss on workers and communities by ensuring they have sufficient time to transition. Generally, employees must receive a WARN Act notice if they are laid off or if their hours are cut by 50% or more in any six-month period because of a plant closing or mass layoff. It is possible that a temporary layoff may still violate the WARN Act if it ends up lasting longer than six months.
Employers who do not follow the WARN Act rules, either by giving notice too late or providing unclear notices, may have to pay employees back pay and benefits for the time they were in violation.
If you or someone you know were laid off from Corsa Coal, we would like to speak with you about your rights and potential legal remedies. Please fill out the form below or contact us at 872.263.1100 or sam@straussborrelli.com
Corsa Coal, mines, processes, and sells metallurgical coal for the global steel industry from both underground and surface mine operations. Its customers are domestic and international steel and coke producers. It produces high-quality, low volatile metallurgical coal that has strong coking properties, making it ideal for steelmakers. It currently operates two preparation facilities in Somerset County. It currently has operational capacity to produce over 1.6 million tons of coal per year, with processing capacity in excess of 4.0 million.1
If you or someone you know were laid off from Corsa Coal:
We would like to speak with you about your rights and potential legal remedies. Please fill out the form below or contact us at 872.263.1100 or sam@straussborrelli.com.